The summery of this one is deceptive as it tells the story of a poor girl marrying a rich guy.
In actuality this series focuses on the characters misery with lingering shots on each actor as they cry (not the sexy Hollywood cry with just tears, these are full blown wails with chest beating and voice getting choked in your throat cries) throw tantrums and lash out at each other with every ounce of venom they can muster.
The plot is pretty basic and story wise there isn't much beyond what's in the summery however each actor, even minor roles that were given nothing, make their part feel more like a real human than a character on screen.
This drama has the best child actors I've seen in any series Korean or otherwise in the role of Eun-Sung. She was amazing and should be included as a main role herself.
I can't recommend this one easily as it aims to break your heart and is the first korean drama I've seen with a devastatingly sad ending. More so because they got you to care about these characters each and every single one. Watch with a big pint of ice cream and a box of tissues on stand by!