I can totally relate to this show's topics and humor! The interaction between the lead character and his best friend really does happen where I'm from and no one is offended because friends are supposed to be honest and keep you grounded. The joke of the agent having the hots for his client's child's mother is supposed to be repulsive where the lead snaps back at him. Because that's what will happen where I'm from. Unfortunately, the individuals who rated this show low and unfunny, will never find this funny, because this show, topic, and humor most likely wasn't meant for you to get as being funny. I think this was meant to show how we really feel about you and how much of a joke you are to us and we don't take you seriously. It's kind of like how I watched Martin growing up, while you watched the unfunny Friends. We didn't take Martin seriously and knew is was just jokes and urban humor, while you watched Friends and totally loved that a girl would sleep around and date best friends and it not be considered nasty. So if you don't get White Famous' point, then consider the first episode, where the lead said he doesn't want to be 'white' famous, when he's OK being 'black'. In other words, the show has nothing to prove to outsiders, it's the outsiders who want to be proved to. These episodes are cleverly written and totally smart.