There have been many educational and elevating, (if not enlightening); documentaries on the subject of Zen.
Late 1960s - early 1970s. Zen as a cultural institution
Mid 1970s - late 1980s. Zen as a spiritual experience
Late 1980s - Mid 1990s. Zen as a discipline
Late 1990s - Present. Zen as an import in West
This documentary adds not an iota of insight to any of the above evolution of the West's engagement with Zen. Instead, it pioneers a tedious and pretentious genre... Self-Cam. It's a time-zap.
There is a second or a parallel strain of consumption beyond the material kind, that defines the West's existential. It is the obsession with a narrowly defined performative rebellion, which is a masked non-rebellion. A conformity with a pretend non-conformance. The result is this waste of time. Both of the directors and the audience.
Sit in zazen instead. Infinitely entertaining. And hopefully, illuminating.