If the "Hills have eyes" & "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" went on a vacation to Argentina and had a one night fling they're abandoned offspring would be "What The Waters Left Behind", I say abandoned because this film appears to have some relation to those horror classics but upon watching this flick you quickly realize it doesn't possess the same traits or attributes of good horror. The mystery element is thrown out the window every scene is easily predictable and has been done a thousand times before. The characters are doing things nobody in they're right mind would do like walking into a dirty hillbilly backwoods gas station and using a super filthy toilet seat covered in crap. But where this flick really gets derailed is the lack of force or adequate response for the action sequences. Like an old woman playfully and very lightly smacking a woman whose hands are clearly hitting her face more soft or lighter than a feather screaming at the top of her lungs, Or the guy getting stabbed with a machete and the blade clearly only goes one inch into the stomach but miraculously appears in another shot coming out of his back. The lack of attention to detail for this movie far outweighs the fun of watching beautiful girls get chased and ultimately tortured and sexually abused by a family of deformed psychopaths even for a quick late nite laugh. So in all honesty this film definitely should be avoided at all costs wasting time is something far more valuable then the shoe string budget this flick was produced from.