Yeah, I'm a viking nerd, and a sucker for heroic adventure epics. So much so, that I'm even willing to give b-grade movies the benefit of the doubt.
Enter The Lost Viking, one of many low budget Viking themed crapfests released in 2010s.
The story is about some guy who's family is suddenly attacked and killed by some rival cief (I guess, no idea why it all happened, very little explanation is given). The young male protaginsts flees, tries to survive in the woods, meets a monk, as well as a bunch of blue painted hippies, and then is thrown into some type of tournament by a guy in Roman armour (yes, in viking age Britain !!! Was he a Roman ? Or an Anglo-Saxon with a strong affinity for the Romans ??? Your guess is as good as mine).
In the first 40 mninutes or so, little if nothing happens, other than some attempt at drama and an annoying piano tune that's played to death. Seriously, you can just fast forward the first half of the movie and not miss anyhting. I did, then I noticed the rest wasn't really worth watching either.
Go walk your dog instead, it' s far more entertaining.