I honestly don't know whether to rate this is as the greatest documentary ever, or the most pointless one ever. Probably a bit of both. Great because, in barely 20 minutes, this short doc features the horror genre's greatest heroes (and simultaneously my favorite actors of all-times) in the most prominent roles. There are interviews with Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee, and Vincent Price, and brief appearances of Peter Cushing, Bela Lugosi, and Roger Corman to make the party complete. Pointless because it's really the most random and unstructured 20-minute horror ode in history.
There's isn't a theme. Karloff talks about his work with make-up artist Jack Pierce, and particularly about how the legendary Monster of Frankenstein look came to exist. Price explains why audiences love to be frightened and how this makes horror a thankful and popular genre. The most captivating contribution comes from Christopher Lee, though, which probably explains why the short documentary is included in his fancy Blu-Ray box set "The Eurocrypt of Christopher Lee". First, I must emphasize that his knowledge of the French language is vastly impressive, and his pronunciations are near-perfect. Very, very impressive for an Englishman. Lee melancholically talks about fellow Count Dracula performer Bela Lugosi, and how the role eventually drove him insane. Lee also lists a number of ways how his horror-antagonist characters died on the screen, and that's quite funny.