If you ever got Welcome to Night Vale vibes by reading the synopses. You better know that yes, that this is an experience quite similar experience. But only at first glance. The isolated city, the weird problems that are just glanced over while they happened out there, the smooth voice broadcaster of the late-night radio show. All seems very familiar.
The disconnect stories could only be this if this is what you are looking for: Fast, but effective horror and suspense shorts. So, you can watch in whatever order you prefer. But if you want to experience like a full story, watch all in order.
The animation focuses heavy in shadows, contrast and dark colors. You can never see the faces of anyone, which add to the spooky environment, (If you don't care about the overarching plot), You sure like the animation. Scaring you, even if that nothing moving on the screen, feeling like a shadow puppet show. This is a very effective art style for a show like this.
The city is they own character. The city of Kirlian don't want you snooping around in there. So, you might proceed with caution. Never truly knowing the details and the intricacies of the city, only being fed some glimpses in the middle of the stories. We never have sure how aware of the craziness that surround the city the citizens are. Sometimes they talk like they know all, sometimes they fell like they are too scary to describe what they witness.
Nothing is perfect. Some common complain are that the overarching story are sometimes feels left on the background too much. And some stories might not be that interesting. But in my eyes those choices are on propose, since we never experiencing the same fact in the city of Kirlian with the same person. We know has much has we can know about the city.
If have seen the fist episode and started to ask questions, get attached to random details and create crazy conspiracies theories you might find your foot in this series wile we all wait for the next season episodes.
You may like this show witch the answers are has vague has the identity and intentions of the city radio broadcaster. You might like that the city has a very uneasy and disturbing aura, and foreign people are not allowed. Never. And if you think you have a clue of what is happening the city... You sure don't.
But nothing is important when you live forever in a April day.