9/23/17. This is the way to do a music biopic! Non-fawning, warts and all look at one of the biggest stars of today. Beneath all the glitter, meat dress included, she is a down-home NYC girl. She has her moments and she has her pain, but so far she has managed to balance her life, expressing herself in her music and outrageous fashion statements. She does appear to have some mental health issues that hopefully will not overwhelm her. As for her feud with Madonna? Lady Gaga is by far the better person and much more talented than Madonna. (Like she actually plays instruments!) Madonna thrived on shock value. While Madonna was a good concert performer, as a person she was condescending, petty and overbearing. Just watch Truth and Dare. Keep in mind that most artists start off imitating their heroes as homage than intentionally ripping off the works of people they admire. This is what Madonna accused Lady Gaga of doing. Well, Gaga has found her voice early on and it's a beautiful one.