If you like Pretty little liars, you'll love this. This basically involves the typical teenage drama mystery surrounded by secrets. Re:Mind is pretty good in the beginning then falls flat during the middle, and then it finally gets better. There isn't many clues for the viewer to figure out themselves and some important questions never answered, so the viewer is kinda there for the ride.The culprit remains anonymous just long enough to keep you interested. The camera work is really good, there are many beautiful shoots. Even though the story only takes three physical places, it doesn't take away from the story nor does it become boring.
Overall, the acting is decent, in the beginning it's not great but it seems improves in each episode. As an american watching this, you can just tell If there ever is a American Version the acting would be would be too cheesy and terrible to watch. Personally, kyoko's behavior cracked me up too much for me to ever take her seriously.