First off, I can barely tell any of the Mercury 7 apart. They cast a bunch of absolutely generic 2020s White Hollywood Guys and that's not what real people are like, what the actual astronauts were like or even the cast of the 1983 film.
The women were better, and the NASA administrators were more interestingly cast and better acted if extremely dumbed down and simplified.
So, so, so dumbed down and simplified. Just as you think they will hit on some great topic around the technology, of building an agency all but from scratch (NACA existed and became NASA but... ignored also) of the choices in boosters, in ground vs pilot controls... they just move on and barely mention it again.
We even have a model for this in The 1983 Movie. Sure, there are other ways to do it, and me, I'd love a more boffin-oriented (nerds, engineers...) show, like parts of From The Earth To The Moon, but even sticking to astronauts I guess its been 40 years, sure let's do a remake.
Why such an absolutely lifeless remake? Why are the stakes presented in a way to make them so absolutely uninteresting, why is the drama amped up to the point that these top-of-their-game professionals are embarrassing children who cannot do their jobs?
Seriously, it gets a point because nice VFX (not gaudy, believable) and spaceships and airplanes but without that, about some other industry or if I was not an aerospace nerd, I'd have dropped somewhere in the middle of the second episode.