The phrase uttered half a dozen times "finish it", subsequently could mean the end of the franchise. Mike "The Miz" Mizanin portrays the soldier Jake Carter in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th films. I have reviewed all the films and let's just say the acting in each in every one is sub-par at best. I have mentioned time and time again that the billion dollar company WWE should have invested more time, money, and talent to make the franchise work. However, these films will eventually become a cult phenomenon because of the star power of the WWE.
The film has a generic storyboard with a girl who is kidnapped by malicious Irish gang and Jake and his CO in the service are in the wrong place at the right time. The entire film takes place in an abandoned brewery with close quarter fighting that leaves little to be desired for. Shawn Michaels (Luke) is the CO and I have to say his acting is horrid, fight sequences terrible and watching him run is laughable. Now Becky Lynch on the other hand was the surprise in the film as the baddy. I enjoyed her performance and fighting style.