Fun and Engaging Modern Western.
Manages to Mingle a Menagerie of Moments from the Long History of the Genre with Heart-Felt Fan Appeal.
Hoping that the Audience will Hop on Board and Enjoy the Ride.
The Reaction has been Mixed.
The Current Metacritic Score is 4.2.
Down and Dirty Fans of the Western seem to Like it.
The Westerns from the Past Blow in and Out of the Movie Like Tumbleweed.
You Notice then it's Gone. But Other Fleeting Visitors will Show-Up.
This is Part of the Charm.
None of it is Heavy-Handed.
Just an Inducement to Pay Attention while the Plot Unfolds with some Originality.
While Writer-Director-Star, Scott Martin has some Chops of His Own.
When the Two Lead Characters, Gamblers, are Playing Cards and the Camera Slowly Creeps in for an Over the Shoulder Peek, You Hear...
"7's?... No......Go Fish"
It's a Laugh Out Loud Moment that Appears at a Time when the Movie is Flatly an Unambiguous Stating...
"Having Fun Yet?"
That is the Point where You make a Personal Decision to Follow Along or Not.
It's an Underrated New Western that has been Coming in a Slow-Wave.
Testing the Temperature of the Masses to See if the Western Genre is Infectious Again.
Smart and Artistically Fulfilling.
Definitely Worth a Watch.