Hanson and the Beast is a fantasy comedy film directed by Xiao Yang and stars Feng Shaofeng, Liu Yifei, Li Guanjie and Guo Jingfei.
A Debt ridden animal breeder falls in love with a human fox, she pays his debt as a gratitude.
Wasn't very keen to watch after seeing the average ratings of the film but the film was entertaining although there were few flaws in the film but that doesn't plays any spoilsport in the film viewing.
The plot of the film is good and the screenplay is predictable but decent, there are lots of funny one liners and funny scenes which surely will entertain you and will keep your funny bones tickling.
Acting is good and all the characters were impressive, Climax of the film was predictable but good. Graphics of the film was substandard. There were few gaps in the film is a minor flaw and can be avoided.
Over a decently entertaining Chinese comedy film.