So this movie is based off of the amazing creepypasta, the Russian Sleep Experiment. The original creepypasta while similar to this film, ends differently, and has some different details. I personally believe that this film was well done, and liked that it dived more into the psychology of something like this. While they changed it from Russia to Britian, that change is understable, as it provides a bit more of an explanation for the English instead of Russian, and makes the film easier to reach a wider audience, however some of the other changes, like the ending being different was unwarranted. Once you get about halfway through the film, the story basically is completely original. The segments that make it an investigation into it was genius, and made it have more of an unification feel, and worked well for the ending. The ending they chose to do, while satisfying, also had some problems, as it doesn't feel as terrifying as the original ending of the creepypasta. I would recommend this to people if they're trying to find where they lie on the "Horror O' Meter", and understand how much gore they can handle, as it has a small amount of intense gore. Besides that, a movie I enjoyed but think people can skip.