At the present time, there are 2 reviews here that are posted from people involved in the making of this movie. You should not trust them, it is all lies and I think such actions need to be stopped. If you want your movie to succeed, let it on its own, promote it, but enough with the false advertise.
Ok, so the problems with Shadowland are many, I'm going to try and hit a few of them, unlikely I'll get most, because honestly, nobody is going to read a 2 page review. Here we go: there is close to NO horror, NO action, NO drama, just a lot of talking and gun pointing. This is the best way to describe the movie, people holding guns while threatening others.
Characters are mostly annoying, dialogue is weak even for such a C movie, editing is just hurting your eyes, transitions from one scene to another feels unnatural, new scenes or character introductions make little sense and a final explanation for why is it all happening, that comes incomplete.
I don't know what they were trying to do with this one, it looks so rushed whenever some little action falls into place, horrible decisions throughout the entire length, just a mess of a movie really. Also, sadly, it comes off like a 2 hours movie, because nothing really happens, so you always feel like you're trapped in the second act, without ever stepping into the last one. And when that finally happens, boy...was there even a plan here?
Shadowland was a difficult experience, one that I will not recommend to anyone. Please, look elsewhere.