Story: 1.00/2 - Direction & Pacing 2.25/4 - Performances: 1.50/2 - Entertainment 1.25/2
Total - 6/10.
Imagine a world where psychological thrillers collide with experimental mind-altering experiments, the product of which would be "Noise in the Middle", a movie that's like ordering a mystery box and getting a puzzle with missing pieces. The unique story could've been a buffet of robust, fascinating, and thought-provoking ingredients. However, we're merely served a psychological paranormal-ish thriller with all the frills of a salad without the dressing.
The direction tries to play hero, adding power to the creative storytelling like a caffeinated narrator on a sacred mission. However, the tempo remains steadfastly a stubborn mule, constantly hindering the cinematic journey instead of propelling it forward. It's like maintaining a sports car with a governor that kicks in whenever things get remotely exciting-cue the eye rolls.
But fear not, for the superb cast comes to the rescue like the Avengers of acting. Faye Hostetter, in particular, deserves a standing ovation for her brilliant portrayal of an autistic girl navigating a complex world more terribly confusing than IKEA instructions. The troubled father in this tragic tale is so clueless he ironically makes a stone rock look like Einstein. Bravo, dear sir! I caught myself shouting at the screen, wondering if he attended the "Parenting 101: How Not to Be a Bad Dad" seminar.
While "Noise in the Middle" could've been undoubtedly a masterpiece, it gracefully tiptoes away from the burning pit of doom, settling comfortably into the "watch it once, maybe twice if you're feeling adventurous" category.
In conclusion, if you're in the mood for a delicious concoction of pseudoscience, paranormal oddities, and parenting mishaps, "Noise in the Middle" might be your tepid cup of questionable tea. The picture's worth a viewing for Faye Hostetter's stellar performance. Don't forget to shout fiercely at the dreadful dad. And brace yourself for an uncomfortable ride that's as bumpy as a road under construction.