(2018) Suffering Bible
The info about this movie on this site is incorrect, for the movie must be so bad, even this site would not even have complete credits. According to the movie itself, Davide Pesca is credited for besides starring in it himself, he is also credited for "Special effects, SFX makeup" , "Subject and screenplay" and director, for at the end of the movie itself I counted at least 14 cast members. This movie only mentions two of them, one of those actors which it is not name here also includes the director himself, Davide Pesca.
Each segment is divided into five acts, shown in both grainy black and white and color between those acts has a full on naked guy belly crawling onto the dirty ground for the only clothing seen on him is the bandaged head that is also covering his eyes. Then comes the first act "Act of God with a lady already tied up, and another lady showing up who eventually got around to stabbing her with the knife or knives she has in her possession. She then rubs her intestines before she commits "Harakiri" on to herself. The second act or Act II called ST Thomas has a supposedly a monk giving himself lashes on his back before he sticks his hand on a guy hanging on a cross. Act III- "In The Name of the Father" has a woman after she looked inside of a bible, she then decides to mutilate herself until she dies; Act IV has two ladies in the same room, and while one is lying on the floor, the other stabs her with a knife before she rips her intestines out. And finally, Act V; has two guys exploiting the situation of mutilating a drug addict; a guy dying of cancer; and a senior while filming that is reminiscent to the movie "Hostel" and other torture porn movies.
Not exactly scary but plenty of gross out scenes seven though many of the characters are killed similarly almost in the same fashion which is through the stomach. It is like the only person who gets it are the writer/ director himself. This movie gets 1 star or a zero- take your pick.