Original Title: Satsujinki o kau onna
Released as "Split Desires - Dunkle Triebe" in Germany.
Kyoko has issues. She suffers from a multiple personality disorder. And her other selves have vastly different ideas on how to cope with her current situation. Director Hideo Nakata is no stranger to psychological horror (The Ring) and erotic fantasies (White Lily) and does a spectacular job with this movie. Whilst the movie starts off a little coarse, it eventually finds its path. And there are some over-the-top cringe performances, for example, Kyoko's mother or her lover, but Rin Asuka grounds everything well as the rather introverted Kyoko.
The horror is very light and is mostly outweighed by the frequent erotic scenes, however Split Desires still manages to convey a slight depth to the narrative. The climax (and I mean that very literally) is something that really needs to be seen to be believed. If you're into erotic movies with a dark twist, Hideo Nakata's 2019 Split Desires comes highly recommended.