I've been taking Schoolism lessons for a long time so I will say that I have a mild bias towards Tonko House, but based on how little publicity this series has received I assumed that it must've been a dud.
However, it turns out that Oni: Thunder God's Tale is a sweet and pleasant movie mini-series that has gorgeous visuals and a fun story that works for the most part, but we'll get to that later.
First things first: This is clearly a film made by Dice just from looking at the color palette's alone. He's pretty well known for his use of diffused lighting and very specific color palette choices, so it's nice to see that all in here. The film is supposedly a blend of stop-motion and CGI, but as far as I'm aware the movie was all CGI (based off of interviews with the producers and director) so I find it a little odd how many reviewers claim this is a stop-motion film. Regardless, the effect is beautiful, saved some money, and works for the most part. There are just a few scenes where it can be visually confusing as to what is happening, but those are far and few between.
In terms of story, I think it works for the most part and has the structure of a really good movie, but it just has some pacing issues. Since it is a mini-series and not a movie, it is not meant to be watched in one sitting and I would strongly argue against doing that as there is A LOT of repetitive dialogue. This is probably one of my biggest gripes about the movie is that there are a ton of instances of characters repeating dialogue they have already spoken or reinforming the audience of what their character motivation is.
I know this is probably because the movie is intended to be watched by a fairly young audience (which is fine) but I think it beats the audience over the head just a few too many times and there are several emotionally engaging scenes ruined by characters interrupting the scene with redundant dialogue. Possibly, the reason for this is due to the fact that the intended audience (English speaking Children) probably doesn't know what Oni, Kappa, or Kami are, so they're trying their best to overexplain the plot? Who knows.
The voice acting itself is also a little hit or miss. All of the child characters sound great and Takei sounds good, but everyone else seems to be just a little bit off. It's not bad or anything but it becomes more apparent when they are also speaking redundant dialogue.
The other minor gripe (and I'm glad the movie doesn't double down on it) is that it ALMOST tries to pull a Ferngully narrative and I about turned it off when I thought the movie was just going to do a "machines bad, nature good" but fortunately the movie is a bit more clever than that.
All in all, Oni is a pretty good film/series that definitely deserves more attention for the amount of love and quality put into it. I must applaud the series for having some really great moments and ideas, even though it is held down by some strange pacing choices.
Give it a watch.