Well it's time to get more teeth pulled from everybody's favorite dentist-posing-as-a-comedian, Charley Chase. This time Charley plays a stockbroker who thinks he's having a good day so he sings a dorky song over the phone to his wife, Toots (Jeanie Roberts). He heads outside and gets involved in some painfully unfunny hijinks involving a parking space and being accused of trying to steal a car. Then he makes it home to his wife, only to find her having a party with a fortune teller as a guest. Charley and Toots inexplicably wish they could switch places, which leads to just that happening. Chase hams it up through all of this, by the way. The actual body-switching part was confusing to me. Chase's voice was coming out of his wife's body and vice versa, yet some of the things they said didn't seem to fit with this. So I was left confused as to whether the other characters in the film saw Charley as Toots or Charley as Charley. It's unnecessarily confusing and not the least bit funny. The whole bit is ended abruptly with a cheap explanation, which doesn't help matters. Jeanie Roberts is very cute and fun, but I can see her squeaky voice wearing on some. Hattie McDaniel also appears as a maid. This is the second Charley Chase short I've seen and both were bad.