This film tells the relationships and stories between the residents of a courtyard in downtown Lisbon, where their lives intersect each other in a web of joys and sorrows. Directed by Francisco Ribeiro (known as Ribeirinho, which also enters the film as an actor in the role of Rufino), the film has the participation of Maria das Neves (as Rosa), Vasco Santana (as Narciso), Antonio Silva (as Evaristo), Laura Alves (as Celeste) and António Vilar (as Carlos).
Lisbon is a city known for having a spirit and mentality very similar to a small village: the inhabitants of each neighborhood and courtyard are known to each other and usually help each other in difficult situations. This creates a strong sense of community, which they call "bairrismo". This film is a comedy in the best Portuguese style, where comic situations alternate with word games and even romantic scenes. Francisco Ribeiro, known as an excellent comedian, has one of most humorous roles and co-stars with another great humorist, Vasco Santana. The film is full of moments that entered in the history of Portuguese cinema and even justified a more recent film, with the same name, that revisits the story in our time.
This film is for the entire family and appeals to everyone, whether you have 9 or 99 years. It has absolutely delightful scenes and jokes. Its timeless, its a masterpiece.