Set on the Mexican border, in Sonora, 1887. This is a good Hoppy movie with some interesting differences. Breezy (the young romantic substitute for "Johnny" or "Lucky") makes only a half-hearted attempt at romance, & then gives up easily. Most of the "romance" is actually provided by California, who's interested in Rosita for her cooking skills. It's refreshing to see real Latin actors portraying the Mexicans in this film, & there's much Spanish dialog, as would be expected. The film gets a little preachy a couple of times, encouraging "understanding on both sides of the border." There are several exciting night chase scenes, & a great silhouette shot of Hoppy on Topper. The funniest moment comes when California is vying with Chris-Pin Martin for the affections/food of Rosita, & California, to get the upper hand, kisses all of her children! Hoppy faithful Earle Hodgins has a very small part as a Sheriff. Hoppy is dressed all in black for most of the movie, but at one point looks ridiculous wearing a smoking jacket with his cowboy pants & knee high cowboy boots! Good mystery & good all around entertainment. I rate it 7/10.