Pretty inventive script, Robert Ryan helps pull off quite a bit of voice over dialog, nice photography, (I did see it in 3D) well paced there are a number of clever script/plot elements that keep it going and a great fight scene(which features most of the 3D Fx in the movie).
Sort of a desert Film Noir really, well directed by the mostly always good Roy (Ward) Baker this holds up. There is constant cross cutting between Ryan's plight in the desert and the two villains swimming or eating and drinking that really builds your hatred of them and your siding with Ryan.
No mamsey pamsey character softening here, which keeps it tough, but reality based, throughout. It's not a cartoon at any moment which can happen with B films. Though also perhaps the limited character development keeps it slightly in the programmer category. Good music score by Paul Sawtell as well. This movie moves quickly doesn't have the soapy elements, or bloated running time, that killed off many color crime films in the 1950's.