There's just too many baddies in this film for me to consider this as anything other than an average Randolph Scott Western. Even the nearly-good people have perverse traits – who the Hell are we supposed to care about!
Tale set in post Civil War Texas where carpetbaggers ruled almost supreme, and the occupying Federal troops seemed to let them. There's a gang of patriotic outlaws led by a Robin Hood character trying to redress the balance and a complicated set of sympathies and antagonisms with which to contend. And Lex Barker was playing a nutter. But if I correctly remember my extensive Frank Yerby reading when I was a kid surely in reality the Ku Klux Klan couldn't have been far away in matters of this kind in their role of Southern saviours? There's time in this shortish formula fiction film for lots of plot twists, cold business, love, jealousy, rage, backstabbings, murders galore, some honour and integrity, all of it delivered with plenty of panache, a nice colour and sporadically excellent camera-work.
It's enjoyable hokum up to a point but ultimately loses its way because there's no one you can really root for but many you can root against. Naturally, Scott is as dependable as usual.