Director Jack Arnold made a Name with the B's.
Sci-Fi Mostly but some Film-Noir and Westerns also.
This is an Unremarkable Vehicle that is Watchable.
But Not Much Happens after the First Act that Opened with a Good Shoot-Out and Resourceful Flourishes.
Arnold Stages a Good Bar-Fight but the Climax is Woefully Dull and By-the-Numbers.
Dean Jagger is Pedestrian as is Obligatory Blonde Female Martha Hyer.
Grant Williams' Debut as a Baddie Gunslinger makes an Impression as a somewhat Cliched "Grinning" Psycho.
Overall, a Professional Entertaining Effort from All Involved but when Rounded Up, it Corrals with the Slightly Above Average.
Note...For better or worse, mostly worse, it's another Movie that insists on inserting that 1950's mainstay, "Kids" that flooded the decade's Films in an ever-presence.