Although the cartoons with the three MAJORLY dysfunctional bears are not particularly famous, I think Warner Brothers really had something with them. They only appeared in a few cartoons, but every one I've seen made me laugh very hard. While "Bear Feat" isn't quite as good as they were when they were paired with Bugs Bunny, it was very, very good.
The cartoon begins with the three bears at home. Papa reads in the paper that the circus is looking for performing bears and is determined that the family could get rich this way. So, the rest of the cartoon has the family trying LOTS of insane stunts--making it look a bit like a Wiley Coyote and Road Runner cartoon. As usual, Junior is a total idiot, Mama is ineffectual and quiet and Papa is an insanely angry bear, indeed. It's hilarious seeing him lose his temper and physically abuse his son! Really. Though, if you think about it, it's VERY unsettling as the cartoon seems like an endorsement for child abuse and suicide! My advise is to turn off that nagging part of your brain that thinks and just enjoy--I know my daughter and I laughed our heads off!