Bewitched is truly a magical classic 1960's sitcom with delightful characters such as the very beautiful and elegant Elizabeth Montgomery who sadly passed away in 1995,and hilarious plots based around the mishaps that come from being a nose twitching,broom riding witch. Elizabeth is truly a presence on screen as Samantha Stephens,a lovely blonde hair,blue eyed witch married to a mortal man,Darrin Stephens (Dick York,and later replaced by Dick Sargent)who's only request of his wife is to 'never use witchcraft'.Talented actress Agnes Moorehead portrays Samantha's 'bad witch' heavily made up,red headed mother Endora who does everything by magic,and detests her daughter's mere mortal husband 'Derwood' as she lovingly refers to him as.With Endora always 'popping' in to visit her daughter,but never using the front door,or any door for that matter,its a guarantee that Darrin will be blowing his top every time as he and Endora are always at each other's throats which makes for very entertaining viewing.But Darrin learns after awhile that his mother in law can and will turn him into an artichoke or a chimpanzee whenever they have a feud.Add a nosy neighbour determined to catch a witchy Samantha in the act,a bold and bossy employer,crazy and kooky witches and warlocks always causing trouble for the Stephens,occasional visits from deceased Benjamin Franklin's,and Darrin's nice and normal parents,and you've got this classic spell binding comedy that will bewitch you!