This would be a forgotten film today if the cable TV show Reel Wild Cinema" had not brought it to peoples attention. They condensed the movie to about 12 minutes and cut the subplots, of which the feature version has plenty. The story involves a stripper (Josette Valague) on her way back from a special job when she is kidnapped by two Cubans who are carrying a mysterious suitcase. Why did they grab her? What is in the suitcase? What does the Geek have to do with this? Why are we watching this? The stripper gets away from her none-too-bright captors when one shoots the other out of greed but she steals the suitcase. Why? To keep the plot interesting I guess. While running for her life she pauses to take a skinny dip in a river and then to take a nap where she dreams about herself doing one of her dance routines (talk about self absorbed!). Meanwhile the plot keeps cutting back to a place called the Sans Souci Club (sans souci means "don't worry" in French if you were wondering) where the dancers all sit around naked while applying their makeup and then go onstage to do a strip routine. Back in the main plot the Geek finally shows up and kills the other Cuban, then the stripper . . .er . . ."borrows" a truck but the Geek hitches a ride in the back. They end up back at the very carnival he (it?) escaped from way way back at the start of this picture. What happens? Ah, THAT would be telling. The movie is on DVD now, find out for yourself! The whole movie seems to have been shot MOS with voices dubbed in later. One man keeps his back to the camera in all his scenes but once he turns away and a voice says "Okay" while his mouth is clearly not moving. The carnival is run by a chain smoking fat woman who should deffinitely not be wearing Capri pants. The Geek (Mike Butts, if that is his real name) wears a shaggy wig with tufts of hair glued randomly to his face. He screams a lot and drools way too much. The heroes of the film are two cops in a radio car that is apparently the only one around because they get called for everything! I guess people went to see this back in 1964 for the nudity. Now we can see it to to shake our heads and wonder how many people were that desperate to see a film with nudity in it that they would pay to see this.