Guddi is a drama film directed by Late Hrishikesh Mukherjee. The film stars Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan, Late Sumita Sanyal, Late Samit Bhanja, Late A. K. Hangal, Asrani and Late Utpal Dutt.
Kusum disregards her family's efforts to get her married as she is obsessed with the actor, Dharmendra. Tired of her antics, her uncle contacts the actor to show her the realities of life.
Hrishikesh Mukherjee fondly known as Hrishi Da was known for making family oriented films which a middle class can relate to themselves and Guddi is one such film in which a teenager girl gets attracted and infatuated towards and actor after seeing larger than life cinema industry and after spending some time in between the film making process and watching the shoot she gradually realizes the pros and cons of this industry and gets disenchanted.
Hrishi Da deserves an applause in making such a realistic film without showing anything larger than life and it gives a feel that everything is happening in front of you and you'll feel yourself as the part of the film.
Acting in the film is good and Jaya Bachchan nails her role with perfection. Utpal Dutt never disappoints and have to say that he proves that he was one of the main pillar of the film. Dharmendra was superb and it was hard to describe if he was acting or he was in his natural state. Sumit Bhanja, Sumita Sanyal and A. K Aangal were also impressive. Asrani leaves a mark in his limited screen appreance.
Screenplay of the film is superb and will keep you hooked. Songs were melodious and ending could've been little more stretched but still the film never disappoints.
If you are looking for a family oriented realistic film than this is the film for you. A Must watch.