While it would be a physiological untruth to claim that I had a 'soft spot' for this appetisingly upholstered skinflick, but you catch my unlovely gist!! This exquisitely explicit, taboo tweaking, gleefully gaudy, girl-on-girl, stud-on-a-rug, sweat-slathered shag seranade moistly remains a gloriously twin-fingered salute of celebratory, scissor-sistered 70s smut by mercurial muck maestro, and all-round argent provocateur Jess Franco, who generously delivers an eye-popping, crotch-hopping cornucopia of scandalous shuntery and audaciously perverse bacchanalian bonkage, plus the earnest, blissfully Bug-eyed B-Queen Pamela Stanford's hysteria is heavenly hysterical to behold! The scintillatingly sordid shenanigans of these sleek-limbed, salaciously sinful siblings are like a welcome breath of fresh pubic hair! 'Sexy Sisters', while lingeringly lewd, and rewardingly ribald also has an uproariously camp, joyfully absurdist quality that makes this fabulously fleshly, perfectly perky, poon-packed funk-fest so doubly delicious! In this increasingly reactionary, mindlessly censorious era of artless remakes, and stupefyingly sinless cinema, the impishly inventive Iberian imperator's fearlessly filthy Grindhouse oeuvre glistens ever more enticingly!