I don't know what people are thinking, but a certain word should NOT be used in reviewing this film, and certainly NOT in the title without a SPOILER warning!
I don't normally report other reviews, but in this case it honestly does give away the whole premise and ending which a viewer would NOT know otherwise until actually seeing the ending. So, hopefully they will remove the word that I've mentioned.
So now, with that said... and hopefully these other reviews (and especially their titles) have not ruined the movie for you. Thankfully, I had not read any of the user reviews before watching (I almost never do for this very reason - I usually only read External Reviews where the reviewers have enough sense NOT to spoil the film)
Okay... Now my impressions of the movie. It is indeed a very different, odd film. It's not really my kind of movie due to all the rather mundane dramatic interactions of the people. However, I can appreciate the unique idea (well, at the time the movie was made it was rather unique) which ultimately tied well into what appears to be an intriguing Murder Mystery.
And no... it is not really a Giallo at all. It has none of the trappings or convoluted atmosphere or story of any Giallo or even Neo-Giallo. But, it is a good mystery if you can wade through all the chit chat and time going through all the dialog between all these characters.
The film has an average rating of a '7', which is probably merited. But, based upon whether I personally would enthusiastically recommend it, uh, not really. Thus my giving it a '6', which in my case means basically that it is a decent idea and maybe worth a watch, but not something I would get too worked up about...