this film is indeed a classic. i was VERY impressed with it only problem was too much useless i have no problem with female nudity but sometimes when you are telling a story there's no need for it. if you want to make a movie with it fine. but sometimes you need it for the story and sometimes you don't. they do the same thing today. a movie like The Doors for example is my point of it took place during a time where there was a LOT of nudity going around in public and it was done so much no one really payed any attention Woodstock changed that. it was kind of like a farewell in a point in all this is sometimes it's needed sometimes it's not and sometimes it's done to much in a film. but if you can find this indeed rare film it's a treasure on it's own. and if you are a big fan of Roger Corman his wife produced it. and if you are a Dick Miller fan like i am he's got a good part in it also. i found it quite by accident. I'm glad for that.