A modest German Exorcist rip-off that never really gets going properly. Director, Walter Boos, it seems was more used to the Schoolgirl report type films which consisted of faux documentary sequences, ostensibly warning parents of what their daughters might be doing and then enacting the said doings. Simple sexploitation. Here faced with a full length movie he seems to run out of steam every now and again and have to think of something else. Dagmar Hedrick as the possessed one is good enough, she gets naked a lot, she does the blasphemy bit, seduces in very blunt language and generally does her bit but nobody else does. Its largely drab, silly and done without any enthusiasm or feeling for what is being depicted. Lots of running about, various people being got into trouble for no reason and the most fantastic cop out ending possible. Did I mention that there is a lot of nakedness though!?