To All A Goodnight is a cheesy 80's schoolgirl slasher, in which a number of rich, overly promiscuous, youths (and a couple unlucky adults) are targeted by a killer in a Santa suit, at an all girls boarding school over Christmas holidays.
This all takes place after the accidental death of another young girl- who was in the process of being hazed- at the school.
So, you are kind of led to suspect that she somehow survived and has returned for vengeance, though, they do include other suspicious characters that might also be responsible.
There are a number of cheesy deaths in this. And, while, most of the killings are by rather traditional means, they do manage to keep things diverse enough to seem fresh.
But the gore is pretty lame.
In the end, all the hormone driven boys and girls end up dead...while the nerds and innocents manage to survive.
And it seems like they tried to set this up for a sequel too, though I don't think that ever came to fruition.
All in all, it's a pretty standard and all around average Christmas season slasher.
5 out of 10.