Hundra, a fabulous warrior woman sets out to punish via execution as many of us wicked man things she can. All of us drunken, slobbering, sexually obsessed men need death and she is more than happy to deliver. All the while she hopes to find that one "special" guy who will give her a baby. The guy she takes aim at just happens to be a doctors...soo there.
Hundra is a very nicely produced eighties sword and sandal epic that produces its share of entertainment on various levels. Yeah, the entire concept is kinda dumb but its actually one of the better Conan type films made in that era...the genre was not done justice. The costumes look pretty decent and the on location filming is a big plus. Surprisingly, the fight scenes are better done than one would expect. This is not Shakespeare so don't approach it expecting Hamlet...K?
The lady playing Hundra is athletic and does lots of stunts, and pulls them off nicely. There isn't much need for acting here so we won't go there. If its slightly campy action and adventure you could do a lot worse than Hundra!!! PS...the thing with the dog is a big plus...not really, but cool anyhow!