It might sound quaint to say this was the best scifi show ever, but given the time when this show was made (1981), it was WAY ahead of its time. What made this show so compelling wasn't the special effects but the entire conceptual premise, which was more far out and mystical than any other show before or since. As a long-time fan of scifi such as Star Wars and Star Trek, this show more than any other is the most memorable in influencing my young mind about the possibilities of extraterrestrial intelligence, consciousness, and the outer reaches of human potential. Despite only 5 shows, I still see its influence on my conceptions of what's possible to this day. Judson Scott did an outstanding job of portraying a highly evolved, spiritual, intelligent and compassionate being that has been unmatched since this show. Like others here I would do almost anything, pay almost anything to get a copy of the show.