The former CIA operative in the Middle East Nick Randall (Rutger Hauer) is presently a bounty hunter in Los Angeles. He chases most wanted guys to get the reward and is saving money for repairing a vessel. He intends to retire and travel around the world with his girlfriend Terry (Mel Harris) and his best friend is Detective Danny Quintz (William Russ). After a terrorist attack in a movie theater, Randall is assigned to catch the evil terrorist, Malak Al Rahim (Gene Simmons), who has killed more than 140 persons in his attempt. However, the real intention of his disaffection from CIA, John Lipton (Jerry Hardin), is to use Randall as a bait to catch Malak. Terry and Danny are murdered by one terrorist and Randall discovers that the Malak's agenda is to blow-up a chemical facility and kill thirty thousand persons. But Randall now seeks revenge against Malak.
"Wanted: Dead or Alive" is a B-movie full of clichés, but supported by good actors. Today I have just seen is again (01 May 2013) and the promising beginning unfortunately becomes a totally predictable story. The conclusion is awful, with Randall chasing Malak in a refinery crowded with policemen, detectives and agents and nobody hears the shooting. Anyway this movie entertains. My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): "Exterminador Implacável (on DVD)" ("Implacable Exterminator") or "Procurado Vivo ou Morto" (on VHS) ("Wanted Dead or Alive")