City War is a gritty, grim and hard hitting melodramatic action movie .Chow Yun Fat and Ti Lung team up again (this was released one year after A Better Tomorrow 2) for some more heroic bloodshed . Even though our protagonists are cops , I do consider this a heroic bloodshed film. Ti Lung is a tough , bad tempered cop named Kerosine Ken. Ken put away triad baddie Ted Yiue( played most vicious by Norman Chu) and now that he is out of prison is looking for revenge.CYF plays Ken 's buddy is a smooth talking hostage negotiator and ladies man.There is a little comedy early on but disappears as the film builds to its violent, nihilistic climax.As things rapidly go to hell CYF and Ti Lung go all out for revenge.Director Sun Chun did a fine job on this film . While in the same vein as John Woo's films, City War is much darker, gritty and gloomy in tone and style .With the incredible talent and chemistry of CYF and Ti Lung , City War really holds up well as an awesome work of heroic bloodshed.