What I found so interesting about this film was the incredible contrast of subject matter and mood between this film and the Russian films that came before it.
A product of Glasnost, in an attempt to modernize the cinema and remove censorship, allowed for Russians to be shown realistically and their individual stories be told instead of a happy Russian body of agreeable people.
The film addresses the reality of dysfunctional families, crammed into small apartments, alcoholism, poverty, and young adults confused and rebelling against authority.
Little Vera depicts Vera and her family with attitudes of hopelessness, apathy and loneliness.
I liked the movie for the fact that it is ground breaking showing problematic issues and stories of individuals that were never or could never be shown on screen previously under oppressive governments.
I personally wouldn't watch it again. Its worth watching once! Once was enough for me because I hated all the characters and was left depressed after watching a movie where people are constantly fighting but that- I think is the point of the film.