A group of scientists accidentally let a cute cuddly cat escape from their lab. What's so scary about a cute feline that one could possibly see on LOLcats?? Well this cat has a smaller badder mutant cat living inside it's mouth that comes out to kill people. (and sometimes grows to be the size of a biggish dog) Now don't you feel silly for asking. Anyways, after the dastardly pussy escapes we catch up with two gals dressed in the most atrocious '80's garb being invited to a mafioso's yacht party along with three other jackasses as well as cat whom shows up unexpectedly trapped in a box. Then the fun starts...
Well maybe 'fun' isn't the right word, the idea is somewhat original, but a Chinese film by the name of "Xiong mao" or translated as Evil Cat came out a year before this and is light years better then this one in every way, shape and form. This film has nothing going for it at all other then genre great George Kennedy in a supporting role (he's still under used). I suggest looking up the film "Evil Cat" and leaving this one in the litter box.
My Grade: D
DVD Extras: Only Trailers for "Tokyo!", "One Eyed Monster", "Just Buried" (this DVD pairs this film with "Night Shadows" here under its alternate title of "Mutant")