I started watching this 30 years old anime series after seeing the first season (Ginga Eiyû Densetsu: Die Neue These - Kaikou 2018) of a reboot based on the original. I liked the story so much, didn't have the patience to wait for new seasons to come out and decided to binge watch this ancient animation series.
This is one of the most unique anime series I have watched, it didn't depend on action sequences, heroic fighting, intrigue or showy effects to tell a story as is the style for such animation series, instead it relied on believable strategy's and actual storytelling, it genuinely felt like a good adoption from a Sci-fi novel as is the actual case.
The Sci-fi anime is focused on Space Warfare between two Inter-Galactic Powers, the story is told by showcasing the lives of two geniuses who clash against each other over the years. Their lives are as dissimilar as it can be yet they parallel each other in achievements. This is as much a biography of these two as a military sci-fi. Loved the social commentary and the conflicting questions asked all through the series.
The animation and music are mediocre at best considering its 30 years old but serves the purpose as the focus of this series is the storytelling and it does have an interesting story to tell.