Well okay, "Fatal Bond" was an awful film and an incredible waste of time, but at least I got to laugh really hard once, because afterwards when I browsed through the reviews here, I read someone's comment that this is – and I quote – "the best film Linda Blair has been in since The Exorcist". He or she seriously must be joking?!? I'll admit that lovely Linda hasn't appeared in many Oscar-worthy films since "The Exorcist", but this one has got to be one of her absolute worst accomplishments, on par with the dreadful "The Chilling" and "Moving Target". In case anyone is looking for real Linda Blair highlights, check out the awesomely entertaining "Chained Heat", "Savage Streets" and maybe even the crazy "Witchcraft" in which she stars alongside the one and only David Hasselhoff. This thing, on the contrary, is a horribly derivative, predictable and textbook thriller (it feels like a TV-movie although it isn't one) that shouldn't even be available anymore. Produced in Australia, but certainly not representative for the quality cult/exploitation cinema they usually make over there, "Fatal Bond" is full of clichés and dull sequences. Blair stars as the bored 30- something hairdresser Leonie who falls head over heels in love with a mysterious guy she spots in a night club. I can understand why she falls for him, because the bloke (Jerome Ehlers) looks a lot like Robert Mitchum, but it quickly becomes obvious that he isn't a perfect match. The police follow him around everywhere, supposedly for unpaid parking tickets, and he openly flirts with other girls in Leonie's presence. When the young girl he cheated Leonie with turns up murdered, she suspects that he is a dangerous psychopath and yet still remains on his side. Probably the main reason why I hated "Fatal Bond" so much is because Linda Blair appears in such an atypical role for her. I'm used to seeing her as a very strong and independent leading lady (see the aforementioned titles), whereas here she depicts a weak and emotionally unstable housewife! That's not the Linda we know and worship! Aside from that, the film is mostly boring and the director doesn't succeed in generating anything that even remotely resembles to suspense or mystery. The denouement is as imbecilic as it is predictable, and I've seen better plot-twists in my grandmother's favorite soap operas on TV. Linda Blair's heavenly and world-famous breasts are unleashed – or at least one of them – during a brief sex sequences and in the obligatory shower scene. Still, not worth it