First of all this movie is about the wacky adventures of a heir hunter who may or may not be a con artist. and a public accountant (played by you guessed everybody's favorite annoying wuss wallace shawn) this movie is full of coincidences that could only happen in movieland. this whole thing is ridiculous. the whole movie is populated with people you've seen before and will probably see again. people whose names you don't know but are sure you have seen their faces before. I myself am really good at knowing the names to these people. so called character actors when there is almost no character to play. for example: larry hankin is in it and if your asking yourself who's larry hankin? then your skills at this game need work. this movie is beyond belief epecially when towards the end a prostitute falls in love with wallace shawn. the fact alone that any woman could fall for wallace shawn makes the movie pretty unbelievable. He by the way is a serious playwright and i remember seeing him say on the later show (1:35 am after conan on nbc) that the only reason he does films like this is to have financing for his plays. NO i thought it was because of the brilliant script! however it is generally worth it to see him in a movie (because he generally appears in odd films the exception being the princess bride-my sister's favorite movie) c. thomas howell (what the hell happened to him) plays the main character. The film itself is pretty awful full of coincidences and bad actors with terrible accents. it is however very unusual and i for one love a good unusual film that no one has ever heard of which is why i reommend Just Your Luck. that movie and this one have very little in common except for that they are both unheard of by many people. this one is hopefully unheard of for a reason oy! the other one is great though. to summerize this film is pretty lousy but its does have a unique take on buddy movie cliches and is better then most films cliches.instead of one's black and the other white or one's a ticking time bomb and the other is as wise cracking street cop or one's a suicidal partner and the other is danny glover or one's a dog and the other is a human or one is a couch cushion and the other is a blender in this movie one's an arrogant son of a bitch and the other is a whiny annoying mess. also i must comment on the credits to this movie at the end are unusual in that each actor who had a line in the movie has their line written underneath the character's name like for prisoner#2 underneath it said i'm bad. again i don't know why the director chose this way especially since no one will remember the movie let alone who played such low parts.
thankfully wallace shawn has gone on to be in much better movies since this its too bad i can't say the same thing for c. thomas howell haha.