Many times I remember shows being much more enjoyable than they actually were. But rewatching this series on roku channel is almost as satisfying as the first time when I was in my 20s, unlike Xfiles and UFO reruns that kind of bore me these days.
I think one of the more enjoyable elements of the show, as hellraiser's review mentioned is the fun factor. It's not as dark and dramatic as Xfiles or UFO for instance.
Hellraiser also nailed it IMO with a comparison to knight rider.. Although, on a much tighter budget.
The writers did a good job of selling the futuristic angle and yet keeping a low budget by camouflaging the most often used items to look like current day devices. (I used to have an AT&T Universal card that looked exactly like that!)
Also, by making all of Darien's future physical gifts internal, they didn't have to pay for alien makeup or anything. So this is a nice little escapism on a tight budget.
Although, I do not want to discount the 2hr pilot which probably used most of the season 1 budget with its futuristic shots. It was believable enough and stands up pretty well even today.
I always enjoyed Selma with her Aussie accent and formal diction.
Hellraiser did possibly misunderstand some facts, which I had to pause and re-watch sections of the pilot to Understand.
Sambi was getting paid by these criminals to send them back and used the money to fund his further research. His long term plans were definitely to jump back to the past once he had his team in place and try to institute a new world order. However, as seen in the pilot episode, he was shocked and unprepared for Darian's arrival in the past, but he maneuvered to try and make the best of the situation.