Well this one is. Big time. Being young when this came out and a die hard Jane Seymour fan, This was one I HAD to see. Gotta be honest, I was bored silly, I couldn't believe Sidney Sheldon wrote any part of this or Ms. Seymour acted in it.
All I could get from this was Jane played Catherine, a woman who lost her memories who's husband Larry (played by a man who's lead singing for the group Chicago I adored as a child but to whom I barely recognized as an adult with his acting in this film, Peter Cetera) thought he killed and she shows up elsewhere trying to remember her past life.
Maybe it wasn't worth remembering, for the story just fizzled out. It starred alot of actors and actresses who got thrown into mini-series staples as they reached middle and old age of that time but the direction was really bad and so was their acting. Even a fan of Seymour's like myself couldn't find a redeeming quality to this. The writing was bad...not even "campy" bad, just--bad, very sub-par for Sidney Sheldon. The direction didn't add to it, it was choppy, made it worse. Maybe it needs a big time do-over like a film within a film sorta thing, or maybe it should just be left alone. I would not recommend this for any fan of Sheldon's work or Seymour's work at all.
Sadly, a 1 out of 10...and even that is being generous.