Don't tune into this film if you are looking for the sparkling actress, Sarah Jessica Parker. In this film she is "angst" ridden and her male room mate "Joe" is well a, frustrated (in every since of the word), struggling artist.
They were best college pals and have shared a rather large NYC apartment, until one or both find "the one" for them.
Wish, I could find something positive to say, but it just isn't there. An interesting, if rather trite, premise, completely misses the mark in every area. Are they supposed to be "avant garde?" The "edgy" soundtrack, and weird performance/character "Blick" played by Ben Stiller, tips me off that they were aiming for "hip or black comedy." Elle Macphearson was completely wasted, and half of her screen time, she was wearing some "hunter in the great white north hat." Terrible.
Whatever. None of it works, and parts of the script were so pathetic and embarrassing (i.e. "would you drink my spit?" and the hug test), it seems that someone would have objected.
By the way, who is the actor portraying the faithful room mate, Joe. Hope the casting directors are hanging their heads in shame, along with the wardrobe department, and script writers.
Too much time spent on his pathetic weirdness, would have been better spent fleshing out the relationship between Lucy and her father. Did most of end up on the editing room floor, in favor of more screen time for "Joe?"
All around sad, check out episodes of "Sex and the City," to see what this film was trying to capture, but missed by a mile. What makes it worse, are the few glimpses of "what could have been." This will only make you more disappointed, in the overall film.