It was by pure accident that I stumbled upon and the trailer piqued my interest. This is a strange film that is going to lose many viewers inside of thirty minutes. There is not not much of a plot and apart from the main character I had no idea what the names of the other characters were. It is very light on dialogue and the story is told visually. The basic premise is fairly simple and is not difficult to follow despite the lack of any expository dialogue. Perhaps a little Barry Lyndon style voiceover narration might have helped engage us in the time period the story occurs. It is visually stunning and has a very dreamlike quality. I was lost as to who was in relation with the other characters. It was a frustrating viewing but it does quite a good job at capturing the era (whenever it was), with good costumes, beautiful locations. It made me wanting more from the story. I would have bumped it up another star had it just give us a little information. Perhaps I will like it better on a second viewing. I was never bored and the actress playing the titular character has a very appealing charm. There are two scenes that are a bit disturbing, one involving a very young girl, but neither explicit and only hint at the actions.