This was one of many mediocre shows that tried to ride the Seinfeld/Friends, photogenic, funny, off-kilter, character train in the mid 90's. An ensemble cast that never really gelled, focusing on the trite, relationship foibles of a hipper, slightly less neurotic version of Woody Allen. Annoying, clichéd characters such as the whinny, geeky, best friend who is married to a totally hot, intellectually superior and socially comfortable dish (yeah, that would happen in real life... you know some guy who was a total nebish in high school wrote this!) - nerdy geek marries hot shiksa! because he's so sweet and smart!; doesn't tend to happen in real life unless the guy is rich, rich, rich. Thirty minute filler material between Friends and Seinfeld, kind of like A Different World was between Cosby and Cheers... A grade or two below Caroline in the City, which wasn't exactly a huge Emmy award winning laugh fest either...