(1995) Malicious
"Leave Her To Heaven",(1947)"Possessed" starring Van Heflin, "Play Misty For Me", "Fatal Attraction","Swimfan","Sleeping with the Enemy" "Obsession", "The Other Woman", "The Crush", "Fear" perhaps "Misery" and then add "Malicious" to this list of movies that involves girls/ women becoming obsessed over their male counterparts with the only difference in this case is that it has actress Molly Ringwald becoming the stalker after an one nighter. Molly plays Melissa who becomes infatuated with baseball player Doug (Patrick McGaw) who won't take "no" for an answer, nor will she allow anything to get in the way, even if it involves murder. And we even get to know more about her toward the end which is not much of a surprise. I must admit, back in the heydays when actress Molly Ringwald was starring in many popular teen movies such as "Sixteen Candles", "the Breakfast Club" and "Pretty In Pink" to name a few, many of my peers were wondering if she'll ever have a nude scene in a movie since there may have been a time when she did have a no-nudity clause on her contract. And I guess when her movie career wasn't as good as much as she wanted it to be, she started to agree to do different movie projects such as this simplistic stalking movie, and then voila- her breasts are shown. Just when everyone think she's sticking to those teenage innocent roles, she does one that is not exactly what people are accustomed to seeing her, which is alright if you've never seen a stalking movie before, or if you still have the hots for actress Molly Ringwald. And because internet has become much more prevalent these days, viewers don't even need to watch the entire movie anymore to see their favorite celebrities naked anymore because it is there on the internet for the entire world to see, why would anyone need to see the movie anymore. It's definitely not what it used to be. And although this movie is well made, I've pretty much seen this done before but with different actresses. I mean, do I really have to see this again regardless who plays the 'stalker' role.