I watched this solely for Paul Bettany but was pleasantly surprised to see Emily Woof and Jason Orange amongst the cast, all of whom are very good. Paul Bettany is a very strong presence and he overshadows the lead actor's performance.
I presume when this was first aired on TV it was a 3-part drama. I found the first hour tedious as we were introduced to the characters not all of whom were convincing - notably the lead character Scott and the wild girl Charlie/Charlotte. However, once the computer game 'Killer Net' was underway it picked up apace and grew increasingly interesting. The computer game idea worked well and was thrilling as well as menacing. The plot line was unsurprising and I guessed the denouement as it neared the end.
The drama is two stories woven into one that intersect when Scott selects his 'Libra' murder victim (to understand what this means you will have to watch). The first and prime story is about Scott and his friends and the other concerns the designer of the software.
If you enjoy Linda La Plante and appreciate Paul Bettany you'll probably find this a well acted drama. What lets the production down is the very dated computer technology, not into video games myself it did not bother me too much, though I imagine it will irritate some.